

Remedial Action Following a Test Failure

We at APT Sound Testing recognise that noise transmission in buildings is a complex subject and it can be difficult to provide definitive guidance on resolving specific problems that have…

What is Impact Sound Testing?

For vertically separated rooms, an Impact sound test may also be required. This type of sound test is used to imitate and test for impact noise or ‘footfall’ noise such…

What Does Airborne Sound Testing Involve?

Separating walls and floors are tested for airborne sound. This should be undertaken by an accredited member of an organisation – APT are UKAS accredited for Sound Testing. When testing…

Part E Sound Testing or Robust Details

APT Sound Testing are regularly being asked how best to comply with the Building Regulations Approved Document E for sound testing; and whether it is more cost-efficient to opt for…

Regional Sound Test Regulations for Part E

We often get asked if the building regulations for sound testing are the same across the country. To help answer this we have collated the following list that clearly identifies…

Tips to Improve the Sound Insulation in your Home

One of the easiest ways to improve your buildings sound insulation by directly employing your own ‘trusted’ builder. First of all you have to decide how the sound is travelling…

Improving Sound Insultation with Existing Homes

One growing problem which is people complaining about neighbour noise. The problem can occur in any type of existing or new built house or flat where there is a common…

Acoustic Design Service for Property Developers

Air Pressure Testing provides a professional Acoustic Consultancy Service to Architects, Property Developers and Building Contractors. We specialise in helping small developers pass their sound testing to achieve Part E…

How Do I Improve The Sound Insulation in my Home?

Many people want to try and improve their buildings sound insulation by directly employing their own ‘trusted’ builder. First of all you have to decide how the sound is travelling…

Is My Site Fully Prepared for the Sound Test?

To help you prepare for the sound testing, we have listed out some more common questions we get asked: Will the sound testing disrupt work on site? During the sound…

Sound Insulation Testing – Question and Answers

We often get asked the following questions in regards to sound testing. Do detached properties require sound testing? No. Only attached properties require sound tests. Are internal walls/floor between rooms…

Why Do I Need to Carry Out Sound Testing?

Part E of Building Regulations require that builders demonstrate the sound insulation performance of separating walls/floors in new-build dwellings or rooms for residential purposes (as well as those newly formed…

How Good Robust Insulation Improves Sound Test Results

Sound insulation provides resistance to the passage of sound through the walls and floors of new and existing buildings. In buildings, sound can be defined as ‘airborne sound’ – i.e.…
sound meter taking noise level measurements for lease condition sound testing in flats

What is Part E Sound Testing?

What is Part E Sound Testing? Part E Pre-completion sound testing has been a mandatory requirement since July 2003. All new build properties and conversions which were built after this…

An Overview of our Sound Test Services

A Brief Summary of Our Sound Test Services APT provides acoustic testing and consultancy to help architects, developers and homeowners achieve the minimum requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations…