Part E Sound Testing or Robust Details

APT Sound Testing are regularly being asked how best to comply with the Building Regulations Approved Document E for sound testing; and whether it is more cost-efficient to opt for acoustic pre-completion testing or to go down the Robust Details route.

We specialise in helping small developers attain Part E compliance by offering design advice and sound insulation testing for all new build and conversation projects. We offer a very one on one proactive approach unlike larger acoustic consultancies, where you may wait weeks just for feedback on small design detailing, which can be cause major delays to your build programme.

Complying with Building Regulations Approved Document E – Pre-completion testing or robust details?

Essentially there are two possible routes to satisfying the requirements of Approved Document E (ADE) for new build residential dwellings. These are either commission Acoustic Pre-Completion Testing (PCT) of a sample of separating walls and floors between dwellings in your development by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant, or you can register and build the dwellings in your development in accordance with your preferred Robust Details (RD) construction types.

We all know that Robust Details is a good scheme that attains high levels of compliance with ADE. However, there are some limitations:

Robust Details (RD)

  • Can only be used for new build dwellings in England & Wales – they don’t apply to refurbishment or conversion projects, so these must be sound tested.
  • Limited flexibility, as separating walls and floors must be built ‘strictly in accordance’ with the details in the

  • RD Handbook
  • Not all RD walls and floors qualify for Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) credits
  • The construction can work out very expensive
  • Can be undertaken on any dwelling, either new build or conversion, to demonstrate compliance with ADE
  • Complete flexibility in cost effective design of separating walls and floors (of course, we strongly advise that Air Pressure Testing are brought in at an early stage to advise on the acoustic aspects of the design)
  • As well as showing compliance with ADE, the test results can also be used for increased award of CSH credits.

Acoustic Pre-Completion Testing (PCT)

  • Can be undertaken on any dwelling, either new build or conversion, to demonstrate compliance with ADE
  • Complete flexibility in cost effective design of separating walls and floors (of course, we strongly advise that Air Pressure Testing are brought in at an early stage to advise on the acoustic aspects of the design)
  • As well as showing compliance with ADE, the sound test results can also be used for increased award of CSH credits.
  • We have vast amount of experience and skill in dealing with noise at work assessments and PPG24 Noise Surveys for the planning applications for both small and large businesses and developments throughout the United Kingdom.

If you would like more information on noise assessments or PPG24 Noise Surveys for your business or development, or sound insulation testing, please contact us at or call us on 01525 303905.