

Broken Down Rating Methods for Sound Testing

Broken Down Rating Methods for Sound Testing  The sound insulation rating methods that follow are defined in: Sound insulation testing is usually undertaken near the end of a project to…

The different types of Sound Testing

The different types of Sound Testing. There are two distinct types of noise to consider through floors, they are: Airborne Noise (for example speech and music) and Impact Noise (for example…

Simple Design Solutions to Pass Part E Sound Testing

Simple Design Solutions to Pass Part E Sound Testing There are many simple solutions to reduce the noise levels and achieve compliance with Part E sound testing. We can provide easy…

Poor Acoustic Design

Poor Acoustic Design  Sound test failure is often down to poor acoustic design detailing during the design and construction phase of a project. Sound test failure are often associated with poor…

Noise Flanking Through Steel Columns

Noise Flanking Through Steel Columns. Unless Steel Columns or beams are isolated from the surrounding wall/floor partition it can lead to noise flanking, particular hollow steel columns. Steel can also…

Failed Sound Testing in London?

Failed Sound Testing in London? When a building fails the Part E Sound Test in London it may be down to a problem with the acoustic construction, this may be down…

BS8233 Noise Surveys in London

BS8233 Noise Surveys in London APT Sound Testing have undertaken undertake many BS8233 Noise Surveys in London to comply with local planning conditions.  We are a professional noise and acoustic consultancy firm…

Acoustic Design Considerations

Acoustic Design Considerations In our experience you need to take into account the acoustic design from the offset of the project, failing to do so usually results in sound test failure; if…

The Different Types of Sound testing in London

This article explains the different types of Sound testing in London There are two different types of sound testing you need to pass to comply with Building Regulations Part E.…

Good Acoustic Design for Sound Testing In London

Good Acoustic Design to Help Pass your Sound Testing In London  Careful acoustic design consideration should be used from the offset of the project to ensure your project passes the…
Successful sound testing in london

How to Achieve a Successful Sound Test in London

Two key areas that need to be addressed when trying to pass your London Sound Test is by improving the floor construction to deal with airborne noise (TV noise, music…
Sound testing equipment

London Sound Test Failures

Sound testing has been a mandatory requirement since July 2003, and all new build properties and conversions which were built after this date require 10% of each party wall/floor construction…

What If My Project Fails the London Sound Test

If your building failed the London Sound Test, it may be down to a problem with the acoustic construction, due to issues such as noise flanking and poor material selection.…

Good Tips on How to Pass Your Sound Testing

Good Tips on How to Pass Your Sound Testing We thought we would offer some good tips on how to pass your sound testing at the first attempt. The first…

How Many Sound Tests Do I Need On My Project

How Many Sound Tests Do I Need On My Project? Our clients often ask ‘how many sound tests do I need on my project’. Part E stipulated that one set…

Should I inform my Neighbours of the Sound Testing?

Should I inform my Neighbours of the Sound Testing? Your neighbours will need to be contacted if access is required to their properties to complete the sound testing. Also as…

The Correct Site Conditions for Sound Testing

 The Correct Site Conditions for Sound Testing  To undertake accurate sound testing, we require the site noise levels to be kept to a minimum. During the sound insulation testing, our…