

Room Integrity Testing in London

Room Integrity Testing in London There are literally tens of thousands of protected enclosures – such as server rooms and data centres) throughout London and the South East. With many…

Simple Acoustic Upgrades

Simple Acoustic Upgrades There are many simple acoustic upgrades you can undertake to improve the sound insulation values of your dwelling. Plate A below shows one cost effective ceiling upgrade…

Good Acoustic Design

Good Acoustic Design to Pass Your Sound Insulation Testing We have carried our hundreds of acoustic design reviews and sound insulation tests, so we are well placed to help you overcome…

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing

Noise Damping to Improve Sound Testing  Noise damping is the most efficient and effective ways to control vibration and noise radiation at the source. Damping materials lessen this noise by turning…

Adding Mass to Improve Sound Insulation

Adding Mass to Improve Sound Insulation Adding mass to improve sound insulation can be one of the most important elements to improving precompletion sound testing results. In summary it basically…

Noise Absorption

Noise Absorption It is usual for air cavities to resonate, such as the cavity within a timber wall. For instance if you blow across the top of a bottle and…

Decoupling of Materials

Decoupling of Materials There are many things to consider with your acoustic design and construction, one of the first – and most important) is the decoupling of materials or also…

The Main Sound Proofing Elements

The main Sound Proofing Elements Coupled Wall Construction We often get asked ‘how can we improve our soundproofing on our development. The first thing to understand is the basic of…

Noise Problems in Refurbished Industrial Buildings

Noise Problems in Refurbished Industrial Buildings We often get asked to undertake a series of sound test measurements to establish the acoustic performance of the wall of floors construction in…

Sound Transmission Though Windows

Sound Transmission Though Windows One source of great annoyance is often due to sound transmission though windows, this can be down to a variety of factors. If the windows are…

Ceiling and Wall Assemblies for Part E

Ceiling and Wall Assemblies for Part E  In our experience ceiling and wall assemblies, can be the main pathways for the two main types of sound transmission. The first type…

Reducing Noise in Residential Buildings

Reducing Noise in Residential Buildings We often get asked how noise can be reduced in residential buildings such as apartments or terrace houses. One of the most common problems is…

Our Sound Testing Procedure

Our Sound Testing Procedure Our sound testing procedure is quite simple and our acoustic engineer will be happy to explain this on site. Essentially, for sound testing party walls you…

Simple Acoustic Floor and Wall Upgrades

Simple Acoustic Floor and Wall Upgrades We are often asked ‘what are the most simple ways to improve the sound insulation performance on party walls and floors’.  In answer to…

Noise Flanking Can Lead to Sound Test Failure

Noise Flanking Can Lead to Sound Test Failure Noise flanking can be a huge problem and one of the main causes of excessive sound transmission. If your project fails the…


Sound Insulation testing for London London is a massive city containing in excess of 5 million dwellings, many of these dwellings share wall and floor partitions. In this noisy environment…

Preparing Your Project For Sound Testing

Preparing Your Project For Sound Testing There are many important things to remember as you near completion on your project, one of which is to adequately prepare your London project…

Sound Testing on Conversion Projects

Sound Testing on Conversion Projects In our experience acoustic design and sound testing on conversion projects don’t need to be problematic. If you are currently in the process converting offices and/or houses…

Airborne and Impact Sound Tests

Airborne and Impact Sound Tests You are required to undertake two types of sound testing to comply with Building Regulations Part E, they are Airborne and Impact sound tests. Airborne…

Sound Testing Services for New Dwellings

Sound Testing Services  for new dwellings Sound Testing Services became mandatory in England & Wales in 2003, when Approved Document E was updated. Approved Document E requires new and converted to…

Successful Sound Testing in London

Successful Sound Testing in London  From the offset careful consideration should be shown to the acoustic design detailing for both conversion and new build projects if you are to achieve a…

The Two Types of Floor Noise

The Two Types of Floor Noise Under Building Regulations Part E there are two distinct types of floor noise to consider; they are: Airborne Noise (for example speech and music) Impact…

Sound Insulation Testing Terminology (3 of 3)

Sound Insulation Testing Terminology (3 of 3) Often confusion can arise from the large amount of ‘terms’ used in conjunction with acoustic design and sound insulation testing. To help with…

Sound Testing Terminology (2 of 3)

Sound Testing Terminology (2 of 3) Often confusion can arise from the large amount of ‘terms’ used in conjunction with acoustic design and sound insulation testing. To help with this we have…