How do we carry out an Air Leakage Test for PAS2035?

Our blower door system can be set up quite quickly to undertake air tightness testing on PAS2035 buildings. This means we can quickly ascertain the buildings air leakage rate and let you the results on the same day.

Basically, our blower door fan mounts into a door-sized housing, that can be adjusted to suit the size of the door frame. We then set up the blower door equipment as follows.

              1. We will temporarily install a blower door fan system (depending on building size) in a suitably placed doorway. If it’s a very large building we may need to use a multiple fan system.
              2. We then take a series of environmental measurements such as internal and external temperatures as well as barometric pressures.
              3. We then turn on the fan equipment and take measurements between 25-70Pa in 5Pa increments, recording the pressure differential at each step.
              4. We then take a second series of environmental measurements such as internal and external temperatures as well as barometric pressures.
              5. Finally, our technicians will calculate the total air flow required to achieve a pressure differential of 50 Pa, divided by the total building envelope area – this calculation will show leakage rate in m³/h.m² @ 50 Pa.

We usually allow two to three hours to complete each air tightness and smoke leakage test; however, we can attend site all day if the building looks very leaky.


We can help with your PAS2035 Air Tightness Test

You can rest assured that we provide the highest quality service for all your air tightness testing and reportage. We are a UKAS accredited laboratory, as well as being certified to ATTMA Level 2.

If you would like more information in for our PAS 2035 air tightness testing services, please contact us at  or visit our call us on 01525 303905. Alternatively, please see a copy of our air leakage checklist to help you prepare for your PAS2035 Air Test.