So, what is sound testing for dwellings? well, its a common question we get asked my many customers. To summarise Sound insulation testing is a process that checks if a building meets the necessary acoustic standards. It is required for new and converted dwellings according to building regulations. The sound testing should be undertaken by suitably qualified testers who hold approved third-party accreditation such as a UKAS accredited sound testing company.
Would you like more detailed information on any specific aspect of pre and post construction sound insulation testing? If so, please contact APT Sound Testing direct on 07775 623464.

The sound insulation testing involves two different types of sound testing:
Airborne Sound Insulation: This relates to sound that travels via the air and through separating structures between rooms. For example, airborne sound across a lightweight floor would pass through the plasterboard ceiling, into the floor void, through the floorboards, and into the room.
Impact Sound Insulation: This measures the noise level in a room when an impact source is applied directly to the floor above.
The specific acoustic performance requirements for new builds and conversions are set within Approved Document E ‘resistance to the passage of sound. The criteria for refurbishments are slightly more lenient than for new builds, recognizing that it can be more difficult to soundproof an existing structure.
For compliance with the Building Regulations, the acoustic testing must be conducted by a qualified acoustic engineer who is accredited to conduct sound testing by an organisation such as UKAS testing laboratory.

Why choose APT Sound Testing for your precompletion testing
In conclusion, our expertise, comprehensive services, commitment to quality, customer focus, and competitive pricing make us the best choice for your sound insulation testing needs. Contact us today to schedule a sound test or to learn more about our other services, such as acoustic design detailing. We also provide rapid sound testing service, with site visits within one week.
We look forward to working with you!
Also, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
Please contact us on or call Darren direct on 07775623464.