Planning Noise Survey Guidance

This guidance is to assist developers and consultants who are involved in  developments where planning permission is required and noise is a consideration and a noise survey for planning is a planning condition requirement .

At what stage will a noise survey and PPG24 report required?

A noise survey and PPG24 report may be required at the application stage or once planning.

permission has been granted. A noise survey and report are required if:

  • the proposed development with commercial areas that may create noise which may affect nearby noise sensitive properties. For example, a new commercial activity near existing residential properties.
  • the proposed development positioning will be sensitive to noise and is likely to be affected by existing noise sources i.e. busy roads, railway, airports or commercial activity.

What is the PPG24 noise report for?

The PPG24 noise report is to demonstrate that:

  • the source of noise is evaluated and quantified
  • nearby noise sensitive receptors identified
  • noise receptors have been determined with reference to noise standards

The PPG24 noise report (where required) will also set out control measures where it is necessary to reduce noise to acceptable levels. For example, the installation of different glazing e.g. from double to triple glazed panels or acoustic trickle vents are installed so that internal noise standards are met.

sound testing equipment

When should a PPG24 noise report be submitted?

A PPG24 noise survey and report should be submitted during pre-application discussions or

more commonly during a planning application. In some circumstances, a planning condition will be included on the planning permission requiring the submission of a noise report.

As noise surveys are usually carried out prior to completion of a development, compliance with any noise standards are demonstrated by calculation. However, the local authority may also request a post-completion noise survey to prove that noise standards have been achieved.

Who is suitably qualified to carry out noise assessments and provide a noise report?

A noise survey must be carried out by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant. APT Sound Testing is a UKAS accredited company and as such is deemed suitably qualified to undertake noise surveys for planning, we also have vast amount of experience and skill in dealing with PPG24 Noise Surveys for the planning applications for all types of developments throughout the United Kingdom.

If you would like more information on our PPG24 noise assessments or PPG24 Noise Surveys then please contact us at: or visit our website at: