Noise Impact Assessment in London
Noise impact assessments are often required at the planning stage of developments that may generate noise, and noise-sensitive developments which may be affected by noise. Some developments, such as mixed use, fall into both categories. Potentially noise generating developments often require a Noise Impact Assessment to be undertaken. This normally requires existing ambient noise levels to be established, typically by undertaking measurements, and the impact of noise from the development to be established. For large developments, it is often necessary to consider secondary effects, such as the impact of increased traffic on existing roads.
Noise Impact Assessment In London
A BS 8233 Noise survey report; or, noise impact assessment should be submitted during pre-application discussions or more commonly during a planning application. In some circumstances, a planning condition will be included on the planning permission requiring the submission of a noise report.
In many cases it will be the planning officer or the local environmental health team that will inform a client that they are in need of a noise impact assessment, this will typically be due to the fact that a complaint or concern has arisen around the increased noise and/or the perceived increase in noise due to a change of use or an increase in licencing hours.
Noise Assessment in Central London
Our noise impact assessment will measure and predict the effects that the new/proposed noise source will be likely have on the current noise climate. This is achieved by firstly establishing a baseline measure of the existing noise climate and then comparing this with the introduced noise. If this comparison cannot be achieved due to practical purposes, then a reasonable prediction can be made through various modelling methods.
There may a number of requirement that may be present during noise impact assessments; with this in mind it is important to liaise with the case officer and environmental health team, in order to ensure that the appropriate legislation and British Standards are being adhered to at all times.
If you would like to know more about or noise impact assessment service, please contact us at or contact me (Darren) directly on 07775 623464. Alternately please visit our website at