Good Acoustic Design for Sound Testing

Good Acoustic Design for Sound Testing

To attain the standards stipulated within Building Regulations Part E, careful consideration should be shown to your buildings acoustic design  from the start of the project; however this requires different construction techniques and acoustic design detailing for new and build and conversion projects. With new build properties you have a blank canvas in terms of the overall design whereas conversions usually require you to work with the existing construction which can be quite difficult if the existing construction is not acoustically robust.


To try and overcome the problems with attaining Part E for your conversion project, we now offer an acoustic design package, which contains the following elements:

  1. Sample Sound Testing – of the existing construction. This offers an accurate overview of the acoustic performance of the existing partitions; this enables us to offer a targeted acoustic design using the sound insulation performance of the existing construction.
  2. Acoustic Design Review – a full design review of the proposed developments party walls and floors taking into account the performance characteristics of the existing construction as well as the buildability and materiel cost of the acoustic upgrade.
  3. Site Survey Visits – to let us view the existing site construction. This allows us to check for potential problematic construction such as inclusion of lightweight blocks in the existing construction. It also lets us check that the installation teams are installing the acoustic materials as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. Final Precompletion Sound Testing  – in compliance with Building Regulations Part E to help achieve building control sign off.

We have undertaken hundreds of design reviews around London and the South East with our clients achieving  a 100% pass rate where the acoustic review has been followed. If you would like some more information in regards to our acoustic services and/or sound testing services please visit our website at, or contact us at: or call me (Darren) direct on 07775623464.