A Brief History of Cleanrooms

A Brief History of Cleanrooms

The first cleanroom identified by historian’s dates back to the mid-19th century, where sterilised environments were being used in hospital operating rooms, although not clean by today’s standards they were none-the less clean for their time. Modern cleanrooms were created during World War 2 where they were created to produce and manufacture state of the art weaponry in a clean and sterile environment.

During the war, US and UK industrial manufacturers designed a colossal amount of hardware such as guns, tanks and aeroplanes this contributed to the success of the war by providing the military with weaponry that was needed at each juncture of the war. Often major scientific breakthroughs are made during wartime.

Modern Cleanroom Design 


It is known that the HEPA filters were being used throughout cleanrooms by the early 1950s. Some believe that cleanrooms date back to World War I when there was a need to segregate the work area to reduce cross-contamination between manufacturing areas; however no exact date can be found for the introduction of the first cleanroom.

Regardless of when they were introduced into the manufacturing world, contamination was one of the main problems and cleanrooms were the solution. Continually growing and constantly changing for the betterment of projects, research, and manufacturing, cleanrooms as we know them today are recognised for their low levels of pollutants and contaminants allowing for incredible scientific breakthroughs such as Nano Technology etc.

Prior to the creation of modern cleanrooms, early cleanrooms had contamination due to particles and unpredictable airflow throughout the room.  With this in mind cleanrooms were created allowing for a constant, high-filtration airflow, which is what is used throughout cleanroom design and construction today.

Cleanroom Testing 


APT Cleanroom Testing provide our clients with reliable and proactive clean room testing service. If you would like to know more about our particulate testing service to cleanrooms or our full clean room testing services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:  info@airpressuretesting.net  or call Darren direct on 07775623464.